About the Conference

Objectives of the Conference

  1. Dissemination of Research: To provide a platform for researchers to present their work and have it published in various avenues such as proceedings and a journal special issues.
  2. Networking: To provide a platform for networking between academia and industry in order to foster exchange of ideas and expertise as well as spur collaboration.

Call for Submissions

Kabarak University wishes to call for submissions aligned to the following tracks for presentation at the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Conference to be held at Kabarak University on 3rd - 7th February 2025


  1. Foundational Methods: We seek original research papers that propose novel tools and methodologies that significantly advance the core principles of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Submissions in this track are expected to push the boundaries of theory and establish a strong foundation for future research and applications.
  2. Real-World Applications: We welcome papers that showcase the power of Data Science and AI in tackling real-world challenges across diverse domains such as education, agriculture, healthcare, commerce, cybersecurity, and solving societal issues. Submissions in this track should demonstrate the practical impact and effectiveness of the proposed systems and solutions.
  3. Emerging Frontiers: This track explores the potential and societal implications of cutting-edge Data Science and AI approaches like generative AI. We invite submissions that analyze the impact of these emerging technologies across various sectors like education, agriculture, healthcare, commerce, security, and society as a whole. Papers in this track can explore both the opportunities and potential risks associated with these advancements.

Submission Formats

  1. Extended Abstracts - These should be a maximum of 4 pages, font 12, times new roman, and 1 inch margins. They should contain an introduction, background / literature review, methodology, results, discussion and references. These will be considered for poster presentations or short talks (5 – 10 mins)
  2. Short Papers - These should be a maximum of 8 pages, font 12, times new roman, and 1 inch margins. They should contain an abstract (200 words), background / literature review, methodology, results, implications / recommendations and references. These will be scheduled for podium presentation (15 – 20 mins)


The conference is held in hybrid format - In person at Kabarak University and online on web conferencing