Secure Messaging Application
Technology is continuously evolving and this being part of our lives, it has been noted to have diverse impacts on various aspects in our daily being. Part of the impacts has been experienced in our communication platform where millions of users’ converse and most of such communication is via text messages. This brings us to our questions ‘How secure we’re online and offline’. This has been answered in varied ways. Some appreciating the encryption system used by some social Media platforms. This mode of encryption has decryption key within the devices hence a great risk incase of interception. Hence our Smart Secure Messaging Platform will see to it that weak encryption has been solve while privacy/confidentiality and integrity are upheld through; the software being able to detect any decrypted message and automatically encrypt it when the device is left idol for 30 seconds. This means all the communication inform of messages will be scrambled. And to reverse this, one has to undergo so simple authentication by entering a passcode or biometric feature to access the application and further to decrypt individual message. Through this, privacy has been greatly upheld by our software. Integrity on the other hand has been worked on by having a button that is blue in color and for unaltered messages it turns green and turns red on alteration of message in the server. This software has been programmed using; python and java. Python libraries that were used include; kivy, Opencv, matploti and pjnius. The software is compatible with cellular devices e.g. android version 4 and above, iOS among others. Further it is compatible with other operating systems e.g. windows. And due to this compatibility we recommend integration of our software with all the messaging platform.
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