CALL FOR PAPERS: Annual Health Conference


Conference theme: Translation of Health Research and Innovation into Policy and Practice

Utilization of health research findings for decision making by health care providers, managers, and policy makers to guide practice is critical. It enhances the impact of innovative solutions generated through scientific research for improvement of healthcare services. Numerous research, innovation and development projects have been carried out globally and in Kenya to improve patient care and strengthen health systems over the years. While the impact of these projects on healthcare improvement cannot be gainsaid, there is need for a holistic perspective to their outputs, challenges, and overall impact on the health of populations in Kenya and beyond.

Call for submissions

Kabarak University invites submissions from researchers, innovators, implementing partners as well as public and private sector organizations for presentation at the International Annual Health Conference to be held on 14th and 15th May, 2025 at Kabarak University.


  1. To facilitate the exchange of knowledge and best practices to bridge the gap between health research and policy development.
  2. To identify and promote innovative solutions and technologies that enhance healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes through evidence-based approaches.
  3. To build collaborative networks among researchers, policymakers, and healthcare practitioners aimed at fostering sustainable health policies and practices.

Conference Tracks  

  1. Preventive and Promotive Health Services
  2. Curative and Rehabilitative Health Services
  3. Health Products and Technologies
  4. Health Information Management Systems and Service Delivery
  5. Leadership and Governance in Health
  6. One Health, Climate and Biosecurity

Presentation types 

  1. Policy briefs from research, innovation and implementation projects. These should be a maximum of 2 pages outlining the key messages, the context of the project/ study approach/ results, policy recommendations and references.
  2. Impact and progress reports on innovation and implementation projects. These should be a maximum of 2 pages. They should contain an abstract (200 words), background, methodology, results, implications / recommendations, next steps and references.
  3. Short papers detailing actionable findings from empirical research studies. These should be a maximum of 5 pages. They should contain an abstract (200 words), background, methodology, results, implications / recommendations and references.
  4. Best practice papers from healthcare workers and facilities. These should be a maximum of 5 pages. They should contain an abstract (200 words), background, methodology, the best practice, implications / recommendations for the practice and references.

Formatting requirements: Time New Roman, Font size 12pt and 1.5 spacing.


Submission Link:


Conference Mode – Hybrid


Policy briefs, progress reports, and best practice papers will be published in special issues of the Kabarak University Journal of Medical, Pharmaceutical, and Allied Sciences (KJMPS).

Conference Timelines

  • Submissions Open: 11th November 2024
  • Submission Deadline: 2nd April 2025
  • Acceptance Notification: 10th April 2025
  • Conference Registration Deadline: 21st April 2025
  • Conference Dates: 14th – 15th May 2025
Conference Fees

For Presenters:

  • Post-Doctoral Researchers, Implementation Projects, and Innovators: KES 15,000
  • PhD Students: KES 10,000
  • Master's Students and Healthcare Workers: KES 7,500
  • Group Rate (10 Academic/Research Participants): KES 75,000

For Attendees Only:

  • Group Rate (Corporate - 5 pax): KES 200,000
  • Individual Participants: KES 10,000

For Exhibitors:

  • Corporate: KES 200,000
  • Individual: KES 50,000
  Payment Details

Payments should be made to:

  • Account Name: Kabarak University
  • Paybill Number: 511480
  • Bank: Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB)
  • Branch: Nakuru
  • Account Number: 1109663161
  • Swift Code: KCBLKENX
  • Bank Code: 01
  • Branch Code: 103
Contact Information

For inquiries or assistance, please contact the conference organizing committee:

  1. Dr. Josephat Tonui – Conference Chair, School of Medicine and Health Sciences

  2. Prof. Pamela Kimeto – Dean, School of Medicine and Health Sciences

  3. Dr. Moses Mogesi – School of Medicine and Health Sciences